The objective of the mission is set by calling "SetMissionType" function. The mission levels have a "a" file which sets the objective of the mission. Turns Sonic into Pink Spikes- Cling to surfaces! Turns Sonic into an Orange Rocket to fly up. However, they cannot be hacked into a save file, as they are missing from the game's Skill list. Normally, they're only in this level, but there are skill entries/descriptions for them in the skills file. In Planet Wisp, Sonic can collect Wisps from Sonic Colors: Classic Sonic can use the Pink Spikes, while Modern Sonic can use the Orange Rocket. In the Characters section of the art room, there are 14 characters with biographies, however, the data includes text for an entry for Super Sonic, who's never seen in this section and lacks any other data for it in the XML files.

For some reason, some of the filenames such as "hhMessage.h" is repeated many times in the exe. The game's executable is scattered with the filename of the game's source code. The dump of XML file is available in the Notes page. The XML file organizes the objects by category, so it was possibly used by Sega/Sonic Team's level editor. The game has a XML file which stores the name of each level object in Japanese, which are never seen in normal gameplay. The dummy- is just a pixel of that respective color. Within an unpacked bb3.cpk is an Application.ar.00 which contains these files:

8.4 Leftover Unleashed Renderer and Shader Tables.6.5 PAMxx_Dummy_A_wav.aax through PAMxx_Dummy_M_wav.aax.